The Real Villain the Hartsfield Atlanta Airport-April M. Broaders


Atlanta Airport's toxic culture, wrongful terminations, non-merit raises/promotions could not take place without the guidance of Human Resources Director April M. Broaders. AMB LinkedIN For nearly five years April has conspired with leaders' to unjustly terminate, intimidate, and cause havoc throughout the Atlanta Airport.  Her bad behavior has been rewarded through multiple raises, and she continues to allow favored employees to abuse FMLA while she deploys Tom Dobberke to harasses employees who leaders deem are not a good fit based on their own petty perceptions and reasons. TD LinkedIN  
Tom Dobberke 

April M. Broaders & Tom Dobberke were onsite last fall when Deputy General Manager Jaimeka Ferrell told one of her teams not to converse with "Communications" during a meeting. This was done to ostracize Assistant General Manager Elise Durham ED LinkedIN 

                                                                   Elise Durham

and certain members of her team (for reasons that will be revealed in another post).  Is this acceptable and ethical behavior for a Deputy General Manager? April M. Broaders conspires with Deputy General Manager Jan Lennon to harass and terminate anyone who disagrees with Lennon. 

FMLA continues to be abused under April Broaders. Those employees abusing FMLA will be revealed on an ongoing basis very soon. There needs to be policy put into place to stop this type of abuse.

April M. Broaders in a menace to the Atlanta Airport. The City of Atlanta has had to reinstate employees and pay settlements due to her negligence. This a call to action for Mayor Andre Dickens to make changes in leadership. The General Manager Balram Bheodari is "retiring" soon, but he should take Jaimeka Ferrell, Jan Lennon and April M. Broaders with him. 

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